Society Lectures

The Society holds a monthly lecture on a diverse range of astronomical topics which are presented by visiting experts. They are held either online or at one of our regular venues on the third Tuesday each month (except for January which has a special event). Our speakers are usually well regarded academics or experts in the world of astronomy and astrophysics.

The meetings are generally recorded and are made available in the members pages for viewing by those who can’t attend at the time or want to watch again.

See below for the full list of upcoming lectures. For past lectures please follow this link.

If you would like to attend a lecture please contact us.

The planet next door

18 Mar 2025    8:00 pm

Nicholas Booth will be presenting the lecture.

Venue: Goostrey Village Hall, CW4 8PE

“The remarkable nova GK Persei”

15 Apr 2025    8:00 pm

Professor Tim O'Brien (Jodrell Bank Observatory, University of Manchester) will be presenting the lecture.

Venue: Goostrey Village Hall, CW4 8PE

The Professor Ian Morison Memorial Lecture: Advances in Astronomy since 1990

20 May 2025    8:00 pm

Christopher Rose (Founder of Macclesfield Astronomical Society) will be presenting the lecture.

Venue: Goostrey Village Hall, CW4 8PE


17 Jun 2025    8:00 pm

Professor Neil Bowles (University of Oxford) will be presenting the lecture.

Venue: Goostrey Village Hall, CW4 8PE


15 Jul 2025    8:00 pm

Professor Philippa Browning (University of Manchester) will be presenting the lecture.

Venue: Goostrey Village Hall, CW4 8PE


19 Aug 2025    8:00 pm

Venue: Goostrey Village Hall, CW4 8PE

State of the art numerical simulations of galaxies and their star clusters.

16 Sep 2025    8:00 pm

Professor Robert Crain (Liverpool John Moores University) will be presenting the lecture.

Venue: Goostrey Village Hall, CW4 8PE


21 Oct 2025    8:00 pm

Venue: Goostrey Village Hall, CW4 8PE

The Geology of Mercury

18 Nov 2025    8:00 pm

Annie Lennox (The Open University) will be presenting the lecture.

Venue: Goostrey Village Hall, CW4 8PE

‘Small steps to giant leaps: laying the scientific groundwork for the first human missions to Mars’

16 Dec 2025    8:00 pm

Dr Frances Butcher FRAS (University of Sheffield) will be presenting the lecture.

Venue: Goostrey Village Hall, CW4 8PE