MaccAstro Trophy Competitions 2024
There are eight trophies in the competition to encourage and reward more members.
The top three in each category were as follows:
Ivor Townshend Lunar Trophy
- 1st Place: Paul Smith with Super Blue Moon over Macclesfield Forest
- 2nd Place: Richard Archer with Earthshine
- 3rd Place: Paul Smith with Lunar Occultation of Venus 2023-11-09

Willcox Wide Sky Trophy
- 1st Place: David Tolliday with Milky Way over Ugab Terraces Namibia.
- 2nd Place: Paul Smith with South Stack Milky Way 2024-04-10
- 3rd Place: David Tolliday with Bodowyr Neolithic Burial Mound with star trails

Paul Cannon Creative Trophy:
- 1st Place: Lynne Hargreaves with Starry Night
- 2nd Place: Lynne Hargreaves with Aurora
- 3rd Place: Jean Stewart and David Tolliday with Cosmic Soundwaves Video

Ian Morison Imaging Trophy (Deep Sky)
- 1st Place: David Tolliday with Andromeda
- 2nd Place: Paul Bouchier with Gold Threads In Space And Time
- 3rd Place: Richard Archer with The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula to the Garnet Star

Steve Warbis Solar System Trophy:
- 1st Place: Paul Smith with The Ever Changing Comet 12P Pons-Brooks
- 2nd Place: Paul Smith with Sunspot AR3664 2024-05-10
- 3rd Place: John Tipping with Saturn

Electronic Imaging Trophy:
- 1st Place: Mike Tyrrell with Solar image 28th July 2024
- 2nd Place: Mike Tyrrell with M16 Eagle Nebula – Pillars of Creation
- 3rd Place: Mike Tyrrell with M1 Crab Nebula

Remote Imaging Trophy:
- 1st Place: Paul Smith with IC410 Tadpole Nebula – data source: Moana Project
- 2nd Place: Paul Smith with IC5070 Pelican Nebula with its Herbig-Haro jets HH-555 – data source: Moana Project
- 3rd Place: Paul Smith with M8 Lagoon Nebula Starless – data source: Moana Project

MaccAstro Chairman’s Trophy
- 1st Place: Paul Bouchier with Triple edge on galaxies with supernova

Well done to all the winners and also to everyone who entered.