MaccAstro Trophy Competitions 2023
There are five trophies in the competition to encourage and reward more members. The top three in each category were as follows:
Ivor Townshend Lunar Trophy
- 1st Place: John Tipping with Ptolemaeus and Straight Wall area
- 2nd Place: Ian Morison with 8 day old Moon
- 3rd Place: John Tipping with Hadley Rille

Willcox Wide Sky Trophy
- 1st Place: Paul Smith with Noctilucent Clouds-AxeEdge
- Joint 2nd Place: Ian Morison with Scilly Isles Summer Solstice Sunset
- Joint 2nd Place: Ian Morison with Kerry Milky Way

MaccAstro Creative Trophy:
- 1st Place: Paul Smith with a Clanger
- 2nd Place: Steve Warbis with a model of Clavius Crater-liquid latex & acrylic
- Tied 3rd Place: Richard Newstead with Pencil and Pen sketches
- Tied 3rd Place: Steve Warbis with Lunar Crater Clavius sketch

MaccAstro Deep Sky Trophy
- 1st Place: Paul Brierley with Horse-and-Flame
- 2nd Place: Richard Archer with Centre of the Rosette Nebula
- Tied 3rd Place: Mike Tyrrel with The changing face of Venus
- Tied 3rd Place: Alan Griffiths with Elephant’s Trunk Nebula

MaccAstro Chairman’s Trophy
- Paul Smith with Aurora – Coral Beach

Well done to all the winners and also to everyone who entered.