MaccAstro Trophy Competitions 2022
There are five trophies in the competition to encourage and reward more members. The top three in each category were as follows:
Ivor Townshend Lunar Trophy
- Winner: Paul Cannon with ‘Craters Kepler and Copernicus at Full Moon’
- 2nd Place: John Tipping with ‘Clarvius area ‘
- 3rd Place: John Tipping with ‘A stitched Moon and aircraft’

Willcox Wide Sky Trophy
- Winner: Andy Verwer with ‘Lenticular Cloud’
- 2nd Place: David Tolliday with ‘Milky Way over Compton Beach’
- 3rd Place: Ian Morison with ‘The Summer Solstice’

MaccAstro Creative Trophy:
- Winner: Andy Verwer with ‘The Star Box’
- 2nd Place: Diana Willcox with ‘Pleiades’
- 3rd Place: Diana Willcox with ‘Painting the Universe’

MaccAstro Deep Sky Trophy
- Winner: Tony Edwards with ‘West Veil Nebula’
- Joint 2nd Place: Laurie Yates with ‘IC1795 Fishhead Nebula in Narrowband’
- Joint 2nd Place: Richard Jackson with ‘M42’

MaccAstro Chairman’s Trophy
- Brian Corfield with ‘The Sun in H-alpha’

Well done to all the winners and also to everyone who entered.