MaccAstro Trophy Competitions 2019
There are five trophies in the competition to encourage and reward more members. The top three in each category were as follows:
Ivor Townshend Lunar Trophy
- Winner: Ian Morison with ‘Homage to Isacc Newton’.
- 2nd place: David Toliday with ‘Jodrell Bank and Partial Lunar Eclipse’.
- 3rd place: Ian Morison with “Plato & Alpine Valley”.
Willcox Wide Sky Trophy
- Winner: Ian Morison with “Church of the Good Shepherd”.
- 2nd place: David Tolliday with “Milky Way, Perseids Meteors and Mars”.
- 3rd place: David Tolliday with “La Palma Milky Way”.
MaccAstro Creative Trophy:
- Winner: Sue Scott with “Wonders of Deep Space – Ceramics”.
- 2nd place: Jane Michael with “Elegy for a Little Rover”.
- 3rd place: Helen Kirsopp with “50 Years Ago” – poem.
MaccAstro Deep Sky Trophy
- Winner: Richard Jackson with “IC434 Horsehead in Ha”.
- 2nd place: Richard Jackson with “Rosette narrow band”.
- 3rd place: Ian Morison with “Galactic Centre”.
MaccAstro Chairman’s Trophy
- Winner: Laura Kenny with “Great nebula in Orion and Running Man Nebula”.
Well done to all the winners and also to everyone who entered.